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Monthly Column, December 2002

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Girl Bullies

Girls are far worse bullies than boys because of the psychological torment they inflict on their victims, a seven-year study has found…. In a phenomenon which psychologists call "tall poppy syndrome" , talented girls can find bullies trying to humiliate them. Clever girls can find their exercise books ripped up or homework spoilt. (From an article entitled 'Girls give boys a lesson in bullying' from The Sunday Times of December 22, 2002, written by John Elliott.)

What your classmates can do to you is trivial compared with what can be done to you by female teachers, headmistresses and other educational experts (or even members of the local community in a position to influence official agents of the collective). Their influence over the circumstances of your life goes far beyond damaging books and ripping up your homework. They can turn other people, including your parents, against you by slandering you behind your back and without your permission. Attention has not been drawn to the opportunities for damaging someone's life provided to those who write secret 'reports' about them to a local authority, which may poison against them any other state school they attend, or anyone on the local authority's gossip circuit. Slanders in 'reports' are not actionable, in fact they are protected from scrutiny. They are as pernicious as medical notes and judgements which are supposed to be 'confidential'; that is, they may be communicated freely to other members of the medical 'profession', but not to those outside it. Even the subject of the notes and judgements has a 'right' only to such information as 'his' docturd sees fit to give him.

A private school makes reports only to the parents who pay for the attendance of a particular victim at the school. Pernicious gossip may well take place in the staff room, and one hostile teacher may poison all the rest against a particular victim at the school, but at least if the parents remove the victim to another school there is no automatic and official channel by which lies and misinterpretations may be transmitted. And private schools, which depend on fee-paying parents, can hardly make a practice of slandering those parents, though they may collude with them in plans to suppress the precocious.

'Tall poppy syndrome' is by no means the exclusive prerogative of schoolgirls; it is the principal element in the modern ideology, and has been ever since the inception of the Welfare State.

Middle-class families will miss out on the return of student grants. Only the poorest students will qualify…. Chancellor Gordon Brown is planning to bring back a limited version of the old grant system with maintenance allowances to students whose parents earn less than £30,000 a year. It means middle-class families will not only face huge hikes in tuition fees but will also be deprived of assistance with living costs. (From an article entitled 'Even poorest students face £20-a-week cap on grants' from Daily Mail of 23 Dec 2002, written by Sarah Harris, education correspondent.)

As usual, concern is felt only for the 'poorest'. The educational system has already for a long time been geared to provide increasingly for the 'poorest' students - in every sense of the word.

In the same way that the primary justification of businesses is supposed to be the provision of secure incomes, with frequent holidays, for employees, rather than to be run efficiently so as to provide a stream of profits to shareholders, or efficiently produced and delivered goods for consumers, so the function of the educational system is nowadays seen as being to provide the maximum of exposure to the propaganda of the modern ideology for the highest possible proportion of the population, located at as low a level as possible of the IQ range, rather than to provide anything that might be of any value, either in itself or as opening up opportunities for later life, for the small minority of the population with IQs above about 130.

Even the Investors Chronicle, which does not appeal to a wonderfully critical or enlightened outlook, has started to print articles with titles on the lines of 'Will education be worth the money?' and 'Is sending your children to university a good investment?' (Investors Chronicle 20 December 2002- January 2003, pp. 56-57, written by Chris Dillow.) The penny has become so heavy that it is starting to drop even in the minds of the naive middle-class, which does nothing to