Major intellectual progress depends on individuals, not organisations. Such individuals need to have the capacity for creative thinking; they also need to have the drive and motivation required to make breakthroughs.
Ability by itself is not enough. Potential innovators need an environment which frees them from day-to-day problems.
Although this is generally understood in the case of large organisations (the average cost per university researcher, including administrative support, is around £200,000 per annum) there is often an unrealistic assumption that single innovators can work on a subsistence income.
Oxford Forum exists to explore points of view that are neglected, or suppressed, by the mainstream. It seeks to provide an administrative infrastructure for intellectuals who are out of tune with current academic dogma.
At this point, Oxford Forum is a potential research organisation, ready to go. Material published to date gives an indication of the possible directions in which we would be able to go. It is not representative of what we can do.